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Ava's Life - Ava Lee

Ava's Life - Ava Lee
Ava's Life - Ava Lee
Ava's Life - Ava Lee
Ava's Life - Ava Lee
Ava's Life - Ava Lee
Ava's Life - Ava Lee
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SKU: 97-13251
(Paperback) 219 Pages
Price: $14.99
Product Details

219 Pages

Embark on an extraordinary journey through captivating memories and cherished vignettes of a remarkable 93-year-old woman. She unfolds her life's tapestry, weaving together a collection of breathtaking snapshots that have shaped her existence. 

Through each heartfelt story, readers are transported across the decades, encountering joys, trials, and triumphs that have marked her path. From the innocence of her early childhood to the challenged of adulthood, she shares vivid recollections of the people, places, and pivotal moments that have left an indelible mark on her soul.

Amidst the tapestry of these memories, there is a golden thread that shines brightly - her unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. She reveals how she came to know Him, the encounters that deepened her relationship, and the transformative power of His love in her life.

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