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The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson

The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson
The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson
The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson
The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson
The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson
The Development of the Trinity - Glen Davidson
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SKU: 76-12588
(Paperback) 134 pages
Price: $12.99
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
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Product Details

The Trinity was a new doctrine that developed. This book is replete with nearly 300 footnotes, a section on the history of non-biblical words such as "God the Son", a great summary, and a comprehensive annotated bibliography. The author quotes historians and primary material for the proofs. He charts the 
step-by-step development of what became the Trinity in three general stages: Father-Son questions, the Holy Spirit added as a person, and three persons in communion. This study details the how Christ became as a pre-existent second "person" in the godhead.

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