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Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff

Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff
Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff
Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff
Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff
Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff
Bits of Wisdom-Lady to Lady - Joyce Cundiff
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SKU: 13-12124
(Paperback) ISBN 978-0-9823912-1-1 Pages 134
Price: $11.99
Product Details

The author speaks from the heart in the collection of 50 short stories. Through her life experiences and lessons learned, she shares "Bits of Wisdom" that will guide you on your Christian journey. Ladies of all ages will be emotionally touched and spiritually inspired. Each story is a testimony to God's divine wisdom and enduring love.

A quote from "Stepping on His Heels" on page 120, best summarizes the book: "My journey has been long, but I've gathered some flowers of wisdom along the way. The sweet fragrance lingers as I leave petals behind marking the way for those who need direction.
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